Volume I,
For Angela Roberts, it is a tragedy that touches off her journey into the mysterious legend of her grandmother, Iana Hamilton. Grief-stricken and confused, Angela strives to learn more about her past, and soon she finds that Iana's cryptic illustrations from years gone by can lead her closer to the truth. Angela’s world quickly
Volume I,
For Angela Roberts, it is a tragedy that touches off her journey into the mysterious legend of her grandmother, Iana Hamilton. Grief-stricken and confused, Angela strives to learn more about her past, and soon she finds that Iana's cryptic illustrations from years gone by can lead her closer to the truth. Angela’s world quickly begins to spiral out of control as she has her own mysterious experiences, similar to those her grandmother had gone through. She seeks help in the safety of her friendships and her marriage, but not before her journey takes her into the sphere of terrorism, time travel, electromagnetic energy and sometimes even what some refer to as the paranormal.The Message is just a warmup to all that comes next in this powerful trilogy.
Volume II,
Is time as linear as it seems to be? How far has technology advanced without the public knowing about it? What are the true limits of consciousness? It has been a couple of months since Angela had her last paranormal experience. In fact, her life has become routine again—comfortable again—especially with the peace of her Gran
Volume II,
Is time as linear as it seems to be? How far has technology advanced without the public knowing about it? What are the true limits of consciousness? It has been a couple of months since Angela had her last paranormal experience. In fact, her life has become routine again—comfortable again—especially with the peace of her Grandmother Iana's presence. But little does she know, when she opens her grandmother's Bible one fateful March morning, her life again will be thrown into amazing, enchanting, and dreadful disarray. Angela's visions are back, and they're taking her places she never dreamed she'd go. Murders, terrorism, and tampered spirituality are building up against her, and she'll need all the strength she can get from the love of her family and friends if she wants to get out alive—and perhaps even save the world in the process.
Volume III coming soon,
The volume begins a brief scene in the year 2030, where A.I. and quantum computing has made it possible for humans to reach far places with faster than light technologies. Terroristic groups have gained this and other nano technologies through U.S. government whistleblowers who have the belief system of transhumani
Volume III coming soon,
The volume begins a brief scene in the year 2030, where A.I. and quantum computing has made it possible for humans to reach far places with faster than light technologies. Terroristic groups have gained this and other nano technologies through U.S. government whistleblowers who have the belief system of transhumanism being the evolving choice of nature. Angela Roberts and her team must use her natural gifts along with quantum technology to tunnel through space-time and stop the attacks on the civilian population in current times. To be continued...
Miracles are an act of God, right? Or can it be that there are some who have a gift of changing the endless possibilities we all can exercise out of free will? This is why magic was looked at like something God didn’t permit. We have encountered many lives and many masters over the years, but still we constantly seek out something we know is greater than ourselves. Genesis tells us that in the beginning, God said: “Let there be Light.” Nikola Tesla said that everything is light. Many people over the ages utter the words “a light burning in every human being." Could this be the actual light of creation burning inside every conscious being, including rocks? Is it not conceivable that at the quantum level everything being a wave is no more than light photons being passed through a prism which divides the light into the beautiful colors of our senses? Or when we die, we approach a bright light burning in the distance waiting for the light in us to merge back into where we once came from? These questions and speculations have burdened us for millennia. When we look up at the heavens, we see billions and billions of photons challenging us to break away from the ignorant idea that we are alone in this every expanding soup of quantum possibility. The belief systems of our world are driving us to a never-ending circle of fear. The reality is, terrorism has a strong hold on our everyday psyche. We are truly at the mercy of a perfect storm where even the UFO community is being run like organized religion. We have the churches of Ufology which are the very conventions that spread the “word” that has been echoed for millennia. The message that we will know when the time comes. What does that even mean anyway? Haven’t we heard that from every religion? The message that we all wait for the time that everything will be better and that someone will come and free us all from misery. I am not saying that religion is the devil itself, even terrorism has its role in all of this. The thing is, everyone is preemptive with the idea that they are right.
When living in a space where time itself doesn’t exist, many things can happen in many places and in many possibilities. The notion that all things are happening all the time and at once is enough to send a man to the funny farm. In the now, all things are possible; you can be everywhere at any time. Scientists are now speculating that time is an illusion you can walk through every day, but what is the glue that keeps all of existence together? The God particle? I don’t think so. Consciousness?
Is self-awareness what separates us from other species who seem to know their place in nature? Is self-awareness actually consciousness in masquerade? If we could move objects without the use of our bodies, is that consciousness at work or the power of the mind? So many people pass around the word consciousness like its commonplace, but the truth is no one knows what consciousness is. If there are other civilizations in this universe that are thousands of years ahead of us, maybe they are using this thing called consciousness, whatever it is, to keep them from destroying themselves. Just maybe they got past the destructive state of being and moved on, unlike us humans who can’t even get past the color of our skins. Consciousness, awareness, self-reflection, creation, imagination, all of these have a place in our universe and a place in our lives. Nature, consciousness, and God are all the same, and the notion that we are separate is absurd. Every conscious entity is a part of Nature and has its role in the process of evolving us all to a better place in non-local space-time. Our consciousness is linked to the source of all consciousness, a library of knowledge.
Is there a place in our biology that takes over when the brain is busy painting the frames of our reality or even our existence? What is real anyway? We take light from the source and run it through our prism to divide the light into our senses. Then the driver of this data offers it up to a process that is shown to us as what we think is real. Funny thing is, what if someone else steps into the gap while the brain is processing data and highjacks the prismed light? This hijacker then edits the data to serve its own bidding, leaving the poor host at its mercy. Scientists say this gap or delay happens 4 times in each second. What if some unearthly hijacker knows this about us earthly organisms, and devises a contraption that tracks this gap in our reality process and takes full control of our world at will? This would be no more than a way of forcing the poor human to experience a full-blown daydream only to awaken whenever the hijacker lifts his thumb off our forehead. More like a teacher slamming a book down on the student's desk as the student bathes in a wonderful daydream of what he or she thinks is a real sex act on the beach. “Wake up!” The teacher yells. Is there someone in our head that steps in and borrows the brain's duties inside that short period of time where time really doesn’t exist? Since time is a manmade construct, this gap is timeless because there is no one home to perceive it. Is it not conceivable that the gap the stored data from our senses, before it is processed, has a direct connection to the source in which it came from? This to me sounds like the phrase, the kingdom of heaven is within. Or is it "as above so below?”
So tell me, do you believe in miracles, or do you believe that we are left here swimming in a sea of uncertainty only to wake out of a dream where reality is a simulation run by some pimple faced teenaged geek at home from school playing hooky? We live in a world that rewards failure and frowns on emotions of love for one another. Don’t feel, don’t care; these are processes that show weakness. That’s what they feed us from that black box on the wall that infiltrates the minds of our children.
Will we wake up and smell the roses of rotting brains from fossil fuel-saturated minds feasting on green human flesh, stained by the pyramid image pasted on a dollar bill? Or will we really smell the stink of how we are looking at the chaotic mess we’ve made called life?. Now we are creating an enemy out of the very devices that set us free to evolve into a new society. Isn’t that the very thing that Nature does? It evolves and keeps us from becoming stagnant in a cesspool of randomness. Yes, Nature is not random, it is constantly making things better in a way that makes the best minds stretch their beliefs way beyond their line of sight. A.I. is a natural part of human evolution to push us beyond our limits. A.I. doesn’t mean transhumanism, it means we found a way to aid us in the evolution of our species. It’s part of our role to create things that will aid in the evolution of our consciousness. It is that library that feeds all conscious entities their role and duties to grow our reality. The light that shines in us is the same light that feeds us. We have a job in Nature’s reality just like the ants, bats and all living things. Even rocks have their role when they breakdown into elements to feed the earth. So again, do you believe in miracles? Yes, say yes because life is a miracle in its beauty of good and evil. We learn from both. So many things in my life have happened that totally confirmed the belief that all things work for the good of all. The 20/20 hindsight I have experienced has nothing more than show me that God exists. God exists in so many ways that people tend to personize its glory. Can’t we even agree that there is a God with a big G? The all-seeing conscious process that feeds us all a balanced diet of good and evil. It feeds us even the stuff that doesn’t taste so good but we know it’s for the best.
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